This title is attributed to Yogi Berra, the famous baseball talent and New York Yankees Hall of Famer.
It fits well into where we’re going now and let me explain why. I will start from the background. I was born and raised in a communist country with total government control; they used police and army to suppress people. All media was censored and we had two channels on TV, the second was a little fuzzy. Education was good, arts too. I hope you can sense that when you read me. We now have more advanced tools for controlling the population, more channels for once, the media is talking endlessly about the current health thread and the governments are imposing huge fines for not following the current set of restrictions. That, plus constant confusion and rules that are changing, mostly with logic that is hard to follow. The important thing that is missing here is any hard scientific proof that there is a danger out there. Or even a logical explanation what are we measuring the current “pandemic” scale against. It is all vague, like watching Donald Rumsfeld back in the day coming out and saying with a straight face – “I don’t know what, I don’t when, but something terrible is going to happen. Thank you all, no further questions.” Claims that there is no space in hospital and people are treated outside in ambulances is all propaganda. In the UK a woman went to hospital to see if the claims are real. She took pictures and was arrested. You don’t arrest someone for taking pictures unless you are hiding something. The walk-in clinic around the corner from my house is painfully empty. But, here is a hint of what may be coming to the neighborhood near you: The Washington DC (city) just passed a bill that allows the government to vaccinate your children without either the knowledge or consent of the parents. And this with vaccination that was not properly tested, because it couldn’t possibly be in this short time. I don’t know who is pushing this covid scandal, but someone is. Or, as we used to say back in Europe “if I didn’t know its stupidity, I would think it’s a conspiracy.” I would add peer pressure to it – if a prime minister of the next province in Canada is introducing new restrictions, I don’t want to be seen delinquent because it will cost me in the political career. So I will outdo him big time. That’s how the political machine feeds it self. Thing is, ordinary people suffer and many take it hard - seems like the winners are the alcohol and cannabis industries. The construction industry will have a good run, as office spaces and shopping malls are converted into apartments. Alternatively you could go to anger management class, but if you like me, you’ll realize that you not that angry, which I find funny. Every crisis, fake or not, creates opportunities. Kids started asking questions that are tough to answer like, “if humans evolved from monkeys and apes, why there are still monkeys and apes, dad?” “Don’t know, kid, we may have to redo the whole evolution theory but it won’t be me.” In closing - 2020 was strange year, but I closed my trade. The book is square. I am on vacation now; it rains at nights and sun is straight and hot in the day. That’s about the best combination you can ask for. Add to this golf games with the ocean view. If they’ll shut down the airline traffic I will have little trouble working from here. Now, here is for better 2021. Even if, the future ain’t what it used to be.
An example of it is this - you can’t fix the value of money to gold and allow everything else to float at the same time, which was the idea championed by John Maynard Keynes, the British economist and Cambridge university professor who looked like an NFL coach about to be fired.
To his credit, late in life he admitted that it was all a mistake. Today there is an army of advisors telling you to buy gold because it will go up a lot, like to the moon very soon, 20K an ounce at least. The real question is – where will everything else be? A Porsche 911 was about $28,000 back in the 80’s, $25,000 if you got a deal, and real estate was a fraction of what it is now. Gold’s price rise didn’t outnumber the other assets in the slightest. Meaning, the gold promoters don’t understand the concept of money. Well, I do, and I have put a lot of work into understanding it. Money is a mental concept, has very little to do with what’s backing it up. Now, skipping forward, the government’s management of this covid crisis is like “Dumb and Dumber” movie, and it really bothers me. “What’s going on?” “We don’t really know” Which is the worst possible answer. “We shut down the economy just in case.” Sure, ruin people’s lifes some more. The money hoarding by the population is the problem that makes inflation impossible, which is crucial to get the governments debts go away, so the question is this – how do you move the money back to the banks? The government wants it in the banking system, so they can keep making loans and multiply it causing inflation. The commercial banks multiply money, that's how inflation happens. Answer is – go all digital, way easier to control the flow of capital. Inflation is what everyone wants, we just can’t get it. Reason being – people would spend now if they think that the prices are going up. Do you see this trend around you? Are the car deals going up or down? Switching pace, dr. Fauci of the Center of disease (CDC) “fame” just asked Americans to cancel Christmas. He said, “…it’s just one of those things you’re going to have to accept.” He wants all Americans to “painfully” isolate. First, not just no. But “HELL NO.” This is America. This is a free country. If we want to celebrate Christmas, we will. If we want to go to church, we will. If we want to spend the holidays with our children. we will. We’re adults. We make our own decisions. This isn’t a Nanny State. It’s not the old Soviet Union. It’s not Nazi Germany. We don’t need government bureaucrats telling us what to do, how to live our lifes, or how to spend the holidays. Second, Fauci is a typical Ivy League egghead. Too smart for your own good. You have IQ, but clearly no common sense. The thing that would be proper is that the governments should advise the public about the health thread and suggest ways to keep safe. But the clerks have no business in closing firms and imposing lockdowns. It makes me miss simpler times, Like, back in the day I was boxing hard in this police club in a city in the west of Poland, and I would show up beaten up after Friday’s evening fights and my wife would say -“you look like shit.” “You should see the other guys.” I worked for at least two remarkable men and I don’t know if they picked me or I picked them.
I have the talent to pay attention to people who have original things to say that stay with me for life. These two talents actually overlap. For my first important job I was hired in a firm in the south of Ontario. The city was Guelph, and as the story went it was where the mafia bosses retired back in the day. Also, it had very good restaurants and the town was kept very peaceful. I was hired by a Polish guy who came from the Tatra Mountains in the south of Poland. The town he came from is called Zakopane, and it’s as beautiful as you can possibly imagine. I also knew a woman from there, way older then me, she died a while ago in Toronto, I was there at the funeral mass, I liked her a lot so I went. She liked to stop at my office years ago to talk. She told me that she had guns from her father from world war 2, and I asked her what she did with them. “I buried them with him. The casket was very heavy.” So this man, my first boss, came to Canada way before me and I don’t know where he is now, sadly. I wish I knew. I don’t even know what his real first name is, like you don’t know what is mine. You couldn’t pronounce his last name, so I spare you the trouble. The company was later sold to GE and he got a bundle of money in a big payout. He was one of the people who have the engine going inside them that never stops. Always on the hunt. During the job interview he asked me one question and I answered it right, and he said “you got the job”. The question was – “can you be creative?” Not just talking, but doing. By now I wrote a book and about 150 weekly essays on various topics, so I’d say he got a good feeling about me. Back then the company in Ontario was really happening – we were the supplier of choice to Intel in the Tech Valley at the hight of the Internet bubble. That, and IBM in upstate New York, and whoever was making microchips in Malaysia or Taiwan. Israel was a big client too. There was noting better in the business world back then and I was the guy handling these accounts. Like, getting 40 e-mails during the lunchtime when I was out but I was doing it. I had a guy working for me and he came from Cairo, Egypt. His family had a business manufacturing car parts, about 100 people employed. Then his father had some love affairs, the money was lost and everyone emigrated somewhere. Things happen, and the man now runs a gas station in Milton, Ontario and I get a free car wash every time I show up. The other boss thought me that in life you give and you get, meaning things need to balance. I lived through the biggest expansion of pharma business in Toronto and then in the South-East US, where we built a plant. I will remember him from this statement - "I can't be more serious without a gun in my hand". I still like it. I don’t scare easily, which is why the covid scandal hardly makes an impression on me. I miss the old times; when we actually could see expressions on people’s faces and don’t avoid each other in the stores, keeping distance. That, plus I hate when the airport is full of dogs. My region, which is called York, is closing businesses by Monday midnight. Like, all of them. I have prepared and planned ahead, so I got a haircut, and then I got a second haircut to fix the first one. Now I'm looking forward to the Christmas vacation, I will go down to the Caribbean and stay there for a couple of weeks. The wife bought some nice bikinis. I told her - if you’re trying to make an impression, now is the time. Health Canada just approved covid vaccine that will be rolled out by mid December to a great fanfare. And this is a Pfizer product, rushed through the approval process at a lighting speed.
HC and FDA have been very accommodative here. I guess some people don’t have a good feeling about the way it went, so Pfizer is planning three post-authorization surveillance studies. This is like a car company bringing a new model to the market and announcing that it will complete crash studies later. This is likely the biggest money grab...., sorry, medical advancement in history. I was always of the opinion – protect the fragile and let other people’s immune system handle it. Immune systems evolve because they’re created to handle viruses that evolve. Especially in children and young people. Canada just secured supplies of the new vaccine, so prepare to write cheques with lots of zeros Mr. Trudeau. The good thing is that the grim daily messages will likely end. But some of it was actually fun. Like, Justin Trudeau in a daily communiqué from the front of his headquarters said: “I don’t want to be here this morning, you don’t want me to be here this morning, but here we go again.” Did we just have a one-night stand with the prime minister? Truth is – the more people get tested, the more cases are discovered, which doesn’t necessary mean that they all are harmful to anyone. We’re barking the wrong tree. There is a lot of money in it for testing and vaccination; there is also a lot of political weight. I haven’t seen any figures and likely never will, but its taxpayer’s money. So, the case for the pandemic is weak and the costs are huge, which means somebody is getting shafted. Take a wild guess who. The covid protocols are as clear as mud. For example – restaurants in Toronto are closed for sitting in, but they’re open in Niagara Falls (1.5hr drive). Imagine the traffic from Toronto to the Falls on a Saturday afternoon for a dinner. I’ve been there and I know, and try to explain it to your kid, who is too bright for his own good. My favorite one is this – how can you specify the distancing without specifying the mask? The whole spectacle puts in question the government’s competency, and is a part of a bigger issue because public’s trust is being shaken, be it in political, healthcare or monetary policy. Slow process, but a process. And these are the institutions that traditionally keep the nation together. There is a breakdown that troubles me and it’s a lot to undo and make better. To be clear, I never believed in conspiracy theories, which would imply that there is bunch of ladies and men just hatching vicious schemes that persist through time. Completely impossible. Two things I believe in are these – if there is a potential event that will benefit several big stakeholders, it will happen. The rest you leave to the crowd behavior and peer pressure for reaction. Add intensive media coverage and it is happening. Sad, but true. That’s Latin for “always faithful”.
Faithful to the basic rules, meaning simple and clear way of living, and lately things are getting in the way of that. This past year the public is being bombarded with lessons in power and control that have been forgotten for years. Here is the first lesson of power: societies can be influenced with delusions that the bad times are here, and that governments will keep them safe. The second lesson of power is that people seeking power only need to create the illusion of mass consent. Control is usually achieved passively without force. So, where are we now? It seems that the goal of the Great Reset involves reducing US power and moving the center of western power back to Europe. The US strategic play from the beginning was to curtail the UN and disengage the U.S. from all of the post-WWII institutions. On the other side of the barricade, to achieve supremacy the EU needs to have a budget and mechanism in place where the Commission has tax/spend and debt issuance capability. They don’t have it yet and it has been a major flaw of the system, so something had to be done. The USA have it from the beginning, meaning that issuance of money can only be backed by federal debt, so finances of the states don’t really matter – it’s their own affair. The USA doesn’t need to argue with the single states. That’s a huge difference. The EU constantly gets into arguments with member states over debt issuance, meaning budget deficit, and this is not a way to run a business, I’m sorry – a Union. Brexit signaled to the rest of Europe that no longer do you have to take the diktats of unelected technocrats if you don’t want to. This is why the fiction of the Second Wave of the Coronapocalypse persists all across the continent. Germany, France, Spain and other countries are implementing the worst kind of draconian lockdowns on people hanging on by a thread while the clerks in Brussels scheme as to how best continue advancing their plans for a future of the EU corporatocracy. These lockdowns have little to do with public health. They have everything to do with maintaining the political health of the current ruling bureaucrats. Here in Canada, the propaganda machine is aligned with the rest of the world to the extend that scares me. It’s impossible that everybody in the media is of the same opinion, but they seem to be. On a lighter note - our previous prime minister couldn’t smile for the life of him and now we have one that just can’t stop. And he talks about the “great reset” too. To be fair - it’s not necessarily a bad thing depending what this means exactly. He likely doesn’t know himself yet. Ottawa, where the government is, spreads between Ontario and Quebec, which is the only place to post minimum speed on the highway, that I know of. "No matter the weather, rain, snow or ice you keep your car over 60." Switching pace, working from home I pay more attention to little things, like for example - isn’t it kind of strange that all the men’s underwear has another man name on it? Tommy Hilfiger, Joe Boxer, Ralph Lauren? Personally I am a Calvin Klein guy. I also learned to never interrupt my wife, because if I do, she will start all over again and it will just prolong the argument. On a second thought, that’s okay, we have all the time in the world. |
AuthorTom Kubiak is the author of The Traveler Archives
February 2021
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